Towards the End of Pregnancy - Experience, Fears, What to Expect?
May 18th 2015
I’m getting slower now and I notice how the belly grows quicker…omg, plus the baby is far more active now…or I feel it more now. My practice consists now mostly of breathing and energy work…paradoxically, I prefer this way of practicing, or rather with this mindset…it feels like I’ve already arrived, I’m there, I’m perfect…the only thing that was always lacking was the awareness of it;)
write down your fears:
I’m scared to become a mother
BUT I’m confident in my strength and capabilities to become a mother and I have the reserves to handle what comes my way.
There’s an immeasurable element of mystery during pregnancy that continually creates new experiences.
How do I envisage my birthing? Truly staying in the present moment and releasing expectations are perhaps my best birth visions :D
I wanna stay open to the true magic and mystery of birth
What is my dharma as a woman? being a mother?
during pregnancy I strongly felt that my duty is to take very good care of myself, like never before, be sort of egoistic and don’t make compromises. My health and my growing baby became my highest priority.